Congress Heights on the Rise

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After a short hiatus the RIVER EAST RECAP is back and boy do we have a lot to say!

SOUTHEAST SOCIALITE reminds everyone of tonight's Washington Highland Library design meeting and encourages residents to attend.

AND NOW, ANACOSTIA joins the long list of River East residents (and bloggers) that are pleased as punch at the Fenty Administrations crack down on used car lots. The Advoc8te thinks it's time for Fenty to place a bulls eye on raggedy liquor stores.

LIFE IN THE VILLAGE launches her personal pledge to spend her duckets in River East. Will be documenting her trials and triumphs on her blog. Encourages others to do so. This reminds The Advoc8te even more why the River East Business Directory is so important and could use some new additions.

THE ANACOSTIA DIAIRES thinks it sucks that the ladies give him no play (perhaps that has something with referring to them as "stank hoes") but is thankful for the added benefit of celebicy - remaining HIV negative.

RUNIN DC has a lot of great pictures and video of a lot of great stuff. Just check it all out but The Advoc8te recommends the pic of Mayor Fenty running a race in some type of leotard. Dude is cut up! Being mayor does a body good! lol.

BARRY FARM (RE)MIXED invites residents to attend the 4th of July celebration at Bolling Air Force base. With food, entertainment and live music this is sure to be a great event and a great way to celebrate Bollings recomittment to the community.

CONGRESS HEIGHTS ON THE RISE celebrates it's 1st year anniversary between memorializing her deceased bunny Hugo Boss.

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