Congress Heights on the Rise

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I was a very bad Advoc8te and did not post this before today's Farmers Market but it had such great information I still wanted to post it. If you havent had a chance to visit the Ward 8 Farmers Market - which is held right here in Congress Heights then GO! I always get great produce there and once I even saw a cooking class.

Ward 8 Farmers Market

The Market is open through November 21st, Saturdays 9AM - 2PM

Located at the old Congress Heights School at MLKing and Alabama Ave.,

SEWIC, CSFP checks, food stamps and debit cards accepted.

On the Homefront -
So Others Might Eat (SOME) needs all forms of men’s summer clothing for the more than 30 gentlemen they outfit each day. Contact Tracy Monson – to donate your gently used wares.

Chef at the Market!
Chef Dubose (South West Catering of Westminster Church in Southwest DC) welcomes customers with wholesome fare prepared with time-honored cooking methods! Pick up something delicious for dinner! Breezy's Plants - A selection of lush potted plants for indoors and outdoors are available for purchase. Available at the market July 25th:


Chanterais melon (French melon – sweet, intense flavor in a small package)
Green Beans
Green Leaf Lettuce
Green Bell Peppers
Red Bell Peppers
Onions; Red + YellowPeaches (yellow + white)
Potatoes; Red + Gold
Yellow Squash
Watermelon (Baby Sweets)

Talk with our farmers to order local cheeses and eggs from humanely raised, grass-fed animals.

LOCALLY PRODUCED GOODS:Gourmet jellies and jams

Ward 8 Farmers Market

Support your local market! If there is something you want, ASK US! We will try and find it for you!

For more Congress Heights and River East news visit The Congress Heights Examiner website,

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