Congress Heights on the Rise

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ANC 8C Meeting Rescheduled for Wed, September 9th

The Advoc8te has recieved word that with only two days notice until our first meeting after ANC 8C summer hiatus that the ANC 8C meeting that was scheduled for Wednesday, September 3rd has now been rescheduled for Wednesday, September 9th.  No reason was given for the rescheduling or a plan to actively notify residents of the date change. If history bears out, notice (and a reason) for the cancelled meeting will NOT be forthcoming ( don't you know these meetings are not for you). The Advoc8te forsees frustrated residents faced with a locked door at the UPO Petey Greene Center - thank goodness this time it's warm.

UPDATE: New Barry Farm (re)Mixed  post about the short public notice, rescheduled ANC 8C meeting.  Addresses the issue of the lack of notice and posts ANC rules regarding ACCEPTABLE notice to the community about community meetings.  Barry Farm (re)Mixed also posts the DC law governing open meetings and encourages residents to attend the next Executive Meeting of ANC 8C. The Advoc8te Please note that the first public notice of this meeting change came from Congress Heights on the Rise yesterday.

Excerpt from Barry Farm (re)Mixed:
Each Commission shall give notice of all meetings or convocations to each Commissioner, individuals with official business before the Commission and residents of the Commission area no less than 7 days prior to the date of such meeting. . . . Notice of regular and emergency meetings must include, but is not limited to, at least 2 of the following:

(1) Posting written notices in at least 4 conspicuous places in each single member district within the Commission area;
(2) Publication in a city or community newspaper;
(3) Transmitting or distributing notice to a list of residents and other stakeholders in the community; and
(4) In any other manner approved by the Commission.

The ANC Single Member District 8C01 blog has just posted notice on September 1st, 2009  about the September 3 meeting that has now been rescheduled to Wed, Sept. 9th. Commissioner William Ellis advises residents to:

"Come out, Be a Voice, don't believe everything you read in the blogs!
You must see for your self!
ANC 8C - From Congress Heights, to Barry Farms, Follow the ANC where everything happens!"

The Advoc8te appreciates Commissioner Ellis's notice about the changed meeting - even if it is not legally sufficient and even if that notice came AFTER it was  highlighted on this blog that the meeting date was changed. However, The Advoc8te is a bit baffled about Commissioner Ellis's assertion to "don't believe everything you read in the blogs" (which I am assuming is in reference to CHOTR) since it is clear that Commissioner Ellis's stance doesn't extend to blog graphics (or giving credit for said blog graphics) as the ANC 8C graphic he includes in this very post is directly lifted from this blog - with no credit. No biggie (feel free to use the graphic) just one of those ironic things that The Advoc8te would feel remiss to not point out and which for some is further proof that ANC 8C is really in desperate need of an upgrade (and some graphics of their own).

The Advoc8te does agree 100% with Commisioner Ellis that folks should come out to the ANC 8C meetings and see for themselves.  Some these are to see to believe! :)

Okay I was going to leave this alone but this just keeps getting worse and worse. 

Dear Commissioner Ellis:

As a representative elected to represent the residents of Barry Farm please note that the correct name is BARRY FARM not BARRY FARM S   despite what you keep writing and posting to your blog.  Perhaps instead of issuing non specific accusations about the neighborhood blogs you should take some time and read them (such as the Barry Farm blog) to see the correct spelling of the  name - BARRY FARM (no S) - or perhaps your comment about "not believing the blogs" is in reference to the Barry Farm (re)Mixed post about the Barry Farm name?

The Advoc8te (no S)
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