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WASHINGTON EXAMINER: Overhead streetcar lines for D.C. still an issue for feds

By: Michael Neibauer

Examiner Staff Writer

September 2, 2009 Overhead streetcar lines proposed for the new 11th Street Bridge threaten to obstruct views of the historic capital city and should be avoided, a key regional planning body tells the District in a new report.

The National Capital Planning Commission, the federal government's planning agency, is scheduled Thursday to review D.C.'s $300 million plan for a new 11th Street Bridge, a project that will connect the Southeast-Southwest Freeway with Interstate 295 in all directions, and Historic Anacostia with its west-of-the-river neighbors.

The new bridge won praise from commission staff for the prospect of "reducing traffic in Historic Anacostia, improving vehicle circulation, replacing structurally deficient bridges and improving public transportation and pedestrian and bicycle access across the Anacostia River."

But the D.C. Department of Transportation's plan to install light poles and overhead streetcar wires across the bridge, to eventually connect with a streetcar network east and west of the Anacostia, left the group cold.

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