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WASHPO: Snowfall a challenge for DC plows

The sheer volume of the snow that has accumulated in the District since last Friday has added a challenge to clearing the streets, city officials said Thursday.

"This is no longer just a plow operation," said Gabe Klein, director of the District Department of Transportation. "There is too much snow accumulation on some streets for the plows to adequately move the snow, the snow has to be physically removed and hauled away. This will add some time to our cleanup efforts but we have crews working around-the-clock to minimize how long and to assist us in being as efficient as possible."

Mayor Adrian M. Fenty said the back-to-back storms delivered nearly 30 inches of snow in the city.

"Crews have been working non-stop since nearly a week ago and will continue to do so as we are dedicated to clearing city roadways and neighborhood streets," Fenty said.

In addition to 250 to 270 pieces of equipment for plowing and treating roadways, the city has deployed specialized equipment such as backhoes, frontloaders, dump trucks, and dumpsters.

"Two day ago we sent significant resources east of the river to a neighborhood called Benning Ridge whose streets are particularly hilly and plows couldn't get up them," said John Lisle, DDOT spokesman. "We sent a front-end loader to deal with it."
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