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WASHPO: City seeks to dismiss suit against official

(photo courtesy of Washington Post)
In Today's Washington Post. Go HERE to read the article. Hopefully the judge in this case will throw this frivolous lawsuit out. The Advoc8te attended the ANC meeting that was the subject of this lawsuit and nothing that Commissioner Seegars said was untrue, she was meerly recounting what happened the fact that it potrayed the Peaceoholics in a negative light was of their own making. The Advoc8te has no idea who advised The Peaceoholics to sue Commissioner Seegars but it was a bad call.  Anyone who knows Ms. Seegars knows nothing is going to stop her from doing what she believes in, in this case that five group homes within a residential block of each other is a very bad idea, not to mention against the law.

The D.C. attorney general's office has asked a judge to dismiss a libel lawsuit by Peaceoholics against Sandra Seegars, an Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner for Ward 8.

The attorney general's office argued in court papers that Seegars is protected by absolute immunity, which shields government officials who are doing their jobs from such claims. "Even if this suit were not barred by immunity, the statements . . . do not qualify as defamatory," according to the documents.

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