Congress Heights on the Rise

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Friday, July 30: Anacostia: Never Far From Home featuring Ward 8 bloggers

Anacostia: Never Far From Home
Opening reception July 30th @ 6:30pm

The Gallery at Vivid Solutions hosts Anacostia: Never Far From Home, a look at the past and present of Anacostia, with the help from local bloggers Fred Joiner (, Nikki Peele ( and David Garber ( This interactive exhibition includes community participation -- everyone is invited to bring their own photographs to hang on the community wall and assist the gallery in telling a visual story of Anacostia. The exhibit will evolve over the course of the show, as local residents and bloggers react to and build their story.

(Contact us to be involved: / 202-365-8392)

Exhibit will be on display until September 10th, 2010. Melani Douglass will leading educational workshops during this exhibit, if interested please contact her at:   

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