Congress Heights on the Rise

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New gadget on CHotR: Ask and Answer

If you look to the top of the sidebar you will notice a new feature on the blog called "Ask and Answer". I receive a fair amount of emails from readers with questions about this or that, and those I can answer I do. However, sometimes I find myself stumped.  As a community of residents, readers, and advocates I know we possess a great deal of information and insight. It would be great to see more of that shared.

That being said, I am going to try out this new feature on the blog.  The idea being that readers will post questions, other readers will answer, and we all learn something in the process. For now the question topics will remain open. Questions can be on any subject, whether you are looking for a new home, a recommendation of a community meeting, feedback on a local business, etc.  Questions don't have to be EotR related (but that is always nice), the only thing I ask is that the questions and comments be sincere, respectful (that means no profanity), no personal attacks, and absolutely positively NO SPAM. Questions or answers that break any of these rules  will be deleted. Reporters/Media Types are also encouraged to participate. This may become a great tool to find new stories EotR.

For now the the "Ask and Answer" gadget will be temporary; however, if it becomes popular enough it can have a permanent place on the sidebar.

To get this started I will be posting some reader questions that I have received via email.  If you have a question or answer of your own, please post!