Congress Heights on the Rise

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FREE College Tour for Ward 8 students in the 8th Grade!

Spring break college tour
Organized by the United Planning Organization
Youth services division

Tours of
Lincoln University
Villanova University
Temple University,
Towson University,
Morgan State University &
John Hopkins University

Only 25 spaces available for this opportunity!
Sign up today!

Must be Ward 8 resident, currently in 8th grade,
attend a Ward 8 middle school, and
Enroll in P.O.W.E.R. program by no later than March 18th!
Participant family must also meet
CSBG income eligibility requirements.

When : April 19 - 20, 2011
Cost FREE!!! Includes meals, transportation
& hotel accommodations

For more information, contact Ms. Anderson,
Program Coordinator at (202) 583-8661 or

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