Congress Heights on the Rise

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It's official, you can't keep a good neighborhood down and Anacostia is definitely on the way up! Economic development is very important to Ward 8 and what is happening right now in Anacostia  should be happening in neighborhoods all over east of the river. In just over three weeks the Anacostia neighborhood has gained another pizza parlor (that makes two), a dental office, a black box theater, and now a pharmacy and mini-mart!  Anacostia is hands down the Ward 8 neighborhood at the forefront of economic development and community revitalization. There may be a lot of talk about what may happen around the Saint Elizabeths Campus but the real action is taking place down the avenue in Anacostia. I have my own opinions on why the small scale development is having a bigger impact on revitalization efforts (for the moment at least) than the promise of a massive government installation.

Enough about that, back to Anacostia's newest business!

Grubbs has just opened an east of the river location on the ground floor of the DHCD building. Dubbed, "Grubbs Southeast," this new store is part pharmacy and part mini-mart (but in a good way).  In addition to the normal mini-market staples Grubbs stocks fresh baked goods, salads, sandwiches, and Green Mountain Coffee.

The space looks really good (check out those light fixtures!). For more pictures visit

Grubbs Southeast is located at 1800 MLK Jr. Ave SE and is open Monday thru Friday, 8am - 6pm.

P.S. There are more projects coming to Anacostia (and soon!) but I have been sworn to secrecy. I guess I can give you a hint about one of them you may have already heard about: "Bzzz." :)

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