Congress Heights on the Rise

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Tomorrow | Free workshop for dancers @ We ACT Radio

JUNE 26th: NO MIRRORS: Workshop for dancers 4-6:30pm 


The workshop is an interactive discussion forum for dancers who are pursuing dance training programs and college programs. Open to those who have serious questions about what to expect when furthering themselves in the dance world, we will enlist insight from college graduates and professionals who have branched off from the Metropolitan area.
During the workshop we’ll discuss scholarship/grant information, how to prepare for auditions and intensives, career planning post-education, staying connected in the dance network, sharing testimonials from graduates and professional dancers in the area.

Go HERE to RSVP on Facebook.

Hosted by Kayla Naturale’ Bee. We ACT Radio Station is located at 1918 Martin Luther King Avenue SE Washington, DC

Brought to you by ARCH Development Corporation, DC Office of Planning and DC DHCD

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