Congress Heights on the Rise

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In Pictures | Today's G8WAY Pavilion Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at Saint Elizabeths East

It was a beautiful day to have the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new G8way Pavilion on the East Campus of the Saint Elizabeths campus. Everyone who was anyone come out to celebrate and to discuss how this new structure will add to the fabric of the community and will hopefully spur more ecoomic development and retail in the near future.

I have a lot of photos and video to post (and a job to do!) but I did want to give you a quick peek into this morning's festivities. Stay tuned for more information.

Did you attend this morning's event? What did you think? Is this going to be the catalyst that the Congress Heights business district desperately needed to jumpstart more retail or is this just going to be another venue for loitering?


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