Congress Heights on the Rise

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Veronica Davis of NspireGreen featured in this year's WCP People Issue!

As a  WCP People Issue alum (and cover girl!) I know how exciting it can be to have your work recognized in such an amazing way. Particularly when you do the work (and believe me it is a lot of work) and you have zero expectations of being recognized for it -- you really just like making a difference. 

So I am SUPER proud that Veronica Davis, former Ward 7 resident, blogger and former The HIVE member is being recognized for her work bringing transportation and biking to the masses -- particularly those living east of the Anacostia River. Veronica is mega and I am so glad that people all over the District are reading about it this week. 

So "Congratulations" are in order for Veronica who is so very badass and not just because we share the same amazing hair dresser. ;) 

Read all about Veronica in this week's Washington City Paper People Issue. 

P.S. Veronica -- get that sucker framed ASAP! I have two lol!