Congress Heights on the Rise

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April 19 - 29 | Water St Project art exhibition + music

Art Exhibition / Music
April 19th – 29th
Open Daily 1 – 7pm
Evening Programming Nightly
Grand Opening April 20th 8pm- 2am
Schedule for specific programing details.

About The Project

The Water St. Project Space is a temporary art gallery / creative space located at 3401 Water Street NW in the Georgetown, Washington DC. It is the newest creative concept by No Kings Collective and plans to be a premier cultural anchor for 11 days showcasing original works of 15 featured artist. The Water St. Project will be a transformative environment, one that will cater to the curiosities of the novice and the experienced onlooker. At its core, this project is about “Ideas”, more specifically ideas that are indicative of how art is introduced and consumed in the future. How we create and consume art is changing rapidly, with improvements in communication and technology being the expeditor. We live in an era were using a simple iphone an artist can be his own gallery and a musician can be his own record label. The interrelated rate of improved technology and communications, means that we are reaching our relative “Tipping Points” faster. Creative’s thrive in this new medium were ideas in the arts can be a powerful advertising tool and can be actualized faster than ever before. Collaborations between groups and people that would have never met in previous times, create new and innovative projects by the hour. This project is one of those rare collaborations and is truly the some of its parts, drawing from various collaborative projects of 20+ musicians, 15 artists, 1 comedian, 9 collectives.
This project exhibition that will run from April 19th – 29th. Open to the Public daily between 1 and 7, with special evening programming (hyperlink schedule). In addition, special guest artists within the fine art scene and emergent musical acts will be included throughout the duration of the exhibition.