DATE: Feb 13 2002
FROM: Office of the DC Auditor
TO: Commissioner Mary Cuthbert
CHAIRMAN: Commissioner Mary Cuthbert
RE: Audit of Advisory Neighborhood Commission 8C for Fiscal Years 2000, 2001 and 2002 through 12/31/01
- ANC 8C's cash position was overstated as of December 31, 2001 due to erroneously released allotments which the ANC was instructed to reimburse the DC Treasury
- ANC 8C did not include "District of Columbia Government" on its bank account or the face of its checks
- ANC 8C's public meetings, financial records and disbursements complied with applicable laws, guidelines and procedures
- ANC 8C maintained adequate dcocumentation to support expenditures made during the audit period
- The Auditor noted that ANC 8C had not signed a new lease agreement with its landlord at the time of the Auditor's field work. The ANC has leased the office space it presently occupies for more than 10 years and currently pays montly rent of $700 on a month-to-month basis in the absence of a signed lease agreement. ANC 8C's Chairperson [Mary Cuthbert] stated that she had contacted the landlord, would sign a lease agreement shortly, and would forward a copy of the agreement to the Audito. The Auditor cautions ANC 8C's Chairperson that the lease agreement must be approved FIRST by a majority of ANC 8C Commissioners in a public meeting and recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
- ANC 8C's grant of $500 to Congress Heights Community Association disallowed by the auditor.