RIVER EAST EMERGING LEADERS - Officailly the (orange) "hotness"
Honfleur Gallery was FILLED, absolutely FILLED with River East residents and River East supporters! It was one of those great events that people talk about for a long time. It was a wonderful mix of those born and raised in River East and new residents; young and young at heart folks; and of people from different ethnic groups and professional backgrounds. It was a wonderful example of the diversity of River East that is not often talked about in mainstream media.
Councilperson Yvette Alexander and representatives from Councilman Marion Barry and Councilman Kwame Brown's offices were also in attendance along with several River East community and organization leaders.
If you couldn't make last night's kick off event there will be another r.e.e.l. event Wednesday, March 18th at Honfleur Gallery in Anacostia.
P.S. If you attended last nights event and have comments or thoughts on the event please send them in! Also if you took pictures of the event please send those in too - would love to post them.
-The Advocate