River East Idealist: "Bittersweet Tax"
Click HERE to read the article.
The Advoc8te FULLY ENDORSES this piece of legislation and think it will do GREAT things not only to clean up the Anacostia but our community as well.
Will be posting information soon on how to testify or submit a written statement for the DC Council public hearing in early April.
The "bag bill" is a proposed law for ALL of DC - not just the River East Community.
To learn more about the Anacostia River Clean Up and Protection Act of 2009 visit, http://www.trashfreeanacostia.com/. You can also use this website to sign the online petition found at the bottom of the page.
The really chic reusable bags pictured here are available for sale by a company called Greenraising for $6.50 with a portion of each purchase going to the children's environmental group, The Green Ambassadors". Click HERE for more information or to purchase a bag.