PSA 705 MTNG TONIGHT! 6:30PM @ UPO Petey Greene Center

The Advoc8te really wishes that more folks would come out to this meeting. PSA 705 has a potential to be a very, very good PSA. There are loyal attendees who attend these meetings all the time but there is a definite need for new attendees - especailly new residents.

If you live, work or have an interest in PSA 705 please come out to tonight's meeting. Meetings generally last 2 hours but are a really good meeting. It's not boring and it's your opportunity to speak directly to the officers that patrol our streets to get first hand information on crime in our area and crime prevention programs.

To see if you live in PSA 705 click HERE.

Tonight's meeting is at 6:30pm at the UPO Petey Greene Center which is located at 2907 MLK Ave SE which is right next to the King Gas station. There is gated parking as well as parking on the street. The meeting starts at 6:30pm but if you can't make it at 6:30 feel free to come in late - your input is that important.