And Now, Anacostia highlights the work being done on two houses on the Italianate Row. The Advoc8te hasn't heard of Italianate Row before but really, really likes it!
Southeast Socialite does what she does best - put folks on blast. This time her guest of (dis)honour are the owners of 227 Oakwood Street for failing to maintain their property and allowing their Section 8 tenants to be an embarrassment to the Section 8 program and a neighborhood nuisance. Calls on readers to put in calls to the city for action. The Advoc8te will have to agree that the landlord is majorly slipping. Last year The Advoc8te and several fed up neighbors took a drive out to the landlords very nice, very clean, very quiet house in a delightful neighborhood in Woodbridge, VA and demanded that the landlord take some action to bring his building under control. Despite several empty promises, a pledge to "do better"and a promise to keep his property clean the shenanigans are once again in full swing - with once again the landlord being absent.
The Anacostia Diaries gives the new Star Trek movie 5 stars - and he never gives 5 stars.
Fred Joiner's Weblog has a great post on gentrification, specifically the perceptions of bottle trees vs. shrines. Highlights a prior post by Southeast Socialite regarding a street memorial in her neighborhood. Southeast Socialite and The Advoc8te make guest appearances along with Fred Joiner in the comment section regarding the appropriateness of leaving personal memorials in public spaces. Really great dialogue.
Congress Heights on the Rise is still getting over the flu and reminding folks that if you didn't win a "I heart (blogging) Congress Heights" bumpersticker there are still some available for sale.