WASHPO: Many Women in Marion Barry's Life
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
In all his years in public life, Marion Barry has rarely been without a woman at his side.
"Womanizing had become an integral part of my lifestyle," he told a local magazine, Sister 2 Sister, in 1991, acknowledging that he brazenly flirted with other women in front of his wife. That same year, he went on the Sally Jessy Raphael TV show and told a nationwide audience that he was addicted to women and sex. "It got to be more than casual," he said. "It got to be excessive."
The former D.C. mayor's relationship with Donna Watts-Brighthaupt, the ex-girlfriend with whom Barry argued just before his arrest Saturday night on a misdemeanor stalking charge, is the latest in a long series. Whether they loved him or just considered themselves friends, the women around Barry typically are fiercely loyal.
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