Highlighting DC neighborhoods: Anacostia, Bellevue, Congress Heights, Deanwood, Navy Yard, Washington Highlands, and more located in Wards 7 and 8!
March r.e.e.l Monthly Newsletter
March 2010
River East Emerging Leaders
Monthly Newsletter
Hello r.e.e.l.!
Hello Leaders:
March is here so warmer weather is just around the corner. As the trees and plants in our neighborhoods prepare to transition from winter to spring, r.e.e.l will too. There are two huge events coming up that you don't want to miss: r.e.e.l.'s first-ever fashion show in April and the r.e.e.l. Leadership Conference in May.
This Saturday from 1:00-4:00 pm, the "Alice in Anacostia" Fashion Show will hold a casting call at the Honfleur Gallery for the BEST River East talent to be a part of the show. If you're a designer, hair/make-up artist or want to be a model in the show, then be sure to stop by and show your stuff. See the flyer below!
The r.e.e.l.Leadership Conference will serve as the organization's annual meeting in May. The main focus will be bringing the community together to participate in leadership and community building topics that will "engage, enlighten and empower" attendees. It will also serve as an important symbol of r.e.e.l.'s commitment to fostering positive change in our community. Be sure to stay tuned for further details.
Did you know it's never too late to become actively involved with r.e.e.l.? Whether you wish to become an official member of the organization or join a committee, there is always room for YOUR IDEAS & ENERGY.
Events and Programming, Economic Development and Health & Fitness committees are up and running now, and if you're interested in becoming a member, visit www.reeldc.org and join today.
3. Health & Wellness Committee Meeting If you are interested in developing and promoting health and fitness initiatives East of the River, then this committee is perfect for you!
r.e.e.l.'s first Leadership Conference is quickly taking shape, but we need YOUR help. The goal of the Conference is to host a variety of community building and leadership workshops. If you have ideas on what topics we should discuss, guest speakers that we should invite or you just want to help out in the planning of the event, please email us at Conference@reeldc.org.
r.e.e.l. Officer Positions Available
1. President - responsible for managing efforts to achieve the goals set by the general body of r.e.e.l.
2. Vice President - responsible for assisting the president in managing efforts to achieve the goals set by the general body of r.e.e.l.
3. Treasurer - responsible for tracking r.e.e.l. finances and creating budgets for civic and social events.
4. Secretary - responsible for taking meeting minutes and maintaining r.e.e.l. membership documentation.
5. Parliamentarian - responsible for keeping order in general body and board meetings.
6. Board Member (Ward 7) - reserved for a Ward 7 resident who will work to get Ward 7 residents involved in r.e.e.l. and assist in efforts to achieve the goals of the organization.
7. Board Member (Ward 8) - reserved for a Ward 8 resident who will work to get Ward 8 residents involved in r.e.e.l. and assist in efforts to achieve the goals of the organization.
8. Board Member (Youth) - reserved for a Ward 7 or 8 resident between the ages of 15-21 who will assist in efforts to achieve the goals of r.e.e.l.
9. Board Member (At-large) - reserved for a non River East resident who will assist in efforts to achieve the goals of r.e.e.l.