Every Saturday: Money Management 101
Every Saturday
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
The Capital Area Asset Building Corporation
1801 K Street, NW
Suite M100
Washington, DC
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

The Capital Area Asset Building Corporation
1801 K Street, NW
Suite M100
Washington, DC
The Capital Area Asset Building Corporation (CAAB) will host Money Management 101 seminars on Saturdays from 10 am-12 am. CAAB are a nonprofit organization working to assist DC residents, particularly low and moderate level increase financial awareness. We conduct financial education workshops and seminars on money management topics and conduct one-on-one counseling services. Our services are free.
We are also the coordinators for the DCSaves program for the District of Columbia where low income individuals can save money to build wealth through asset building matched savings funds. We also conduct area-wide tax campaign providing free preparation and education for low income DC residents.
Sponsor: The Capital Area Asset Building Corporation

The Capital Area Asset Building Corporation
We are also the coordinators for the DCSaves program for the District of Columbia where low income individuals can save money to build wealth through asset building matched savings funds. We also conduct area-wide tax campaign providing free preparation and education for low income DC residents.

The Capital Area Asset Building Corporation
Contact: | Linda Stroman |
(202) 419-1440 |