Do Us A Favor. Resign. Now.
Markus Batchelor is fast becoming one of my most favorite bloggers. Today he has blessed us with another great post regarding the Ward 8 political scene. Markus is one of those young men who are often imitated, but never duplicated (not even close). Take a moment and read his insightful missive.
Go HERE to read the full post on his blog:
I guess it is true what they say, "Common sense isn't really so common."
I say this with all due respect, Ward 8 would be in a much better position if 99% of the folks running for office and thinking about running just wouldn't. It takes much more than passion or a bumper sticker to win this thing and to do this job. I am overwelmed by how underwelmed I have been of the candidates as of late. I don't mean any harm, there is a reason I am not running. It takes a special type of person to deal with the issues facing Ward 8 today. We can't afford any half-steppers.
The only way to elect a NEW Ward 8 Council Member is if there is a single, capable, challenger and that challenger needs to be a woman awesome. Not just good, or okay, or passionate, they have to be platinum bulletproof and preferably not someone who has already lost to Barry in a prior election.
I've said it before and I will say it again, "The next Ward 8 Council Member is someone we haven't even seen yet."
1) They wouldn't wanted to be associated with these shenanigans.
2) They would have the sense not to crowd the field.
3) They wouldn't talk about themselves in the 3rd person. :)
That being said, it is looking pretty darn good for a Barry repeat and for that I have to give our Ward 8 Council Member some major props. He knows exactly what he is doing and he knows exactly what his challengers are not prepared to do - step down for a better candidate.
Barry is not the only one ego tripping.
Go HERE to read the full post on his blog:
The Reaction: The only reason for the continuance of Marion Barry’s success in Ward 8 politics for almost 8 years (we may see 12 years) is because there is so many factions and political disunity. There are currently 5 candidates (with possibly 2 others waiting in the wings) challenging Barry in the Democratic Primary on April 3. These candidates, at the base, all have the same goal: to unseat Barry. So why in the world would they risk splitting the vote (like they have done for years) instead of getting behind one strong candidate who could have a chance of beating Barry? The answer is simple: political ambition. If any candidate believes that they can run alongside half of a dozen other candidates, with similar voter bases, and beat a man who consistently gets over 70 percent of the vote and has never lost an election, they are out of their minds. But these candidates consistently don’t care. It seems like Ward 8 pols have an uncontrollable addiction to seeing their name on the ballot and while they get their rocks off, they constantly stall progress in this Ward. If we all would get around one candidate, we would have a chance. If we never do, Welcome to Barrytown.Now this excerpt right here IS THE TRUTH. I literally could not have said it better (nor as diplomatic) as Markus. For the life of me I don't understand how a truckload of folks thinks that by splitting the vote that won't benefit Barry - quite the opposite! I recall a "nonrelevant" Ward 8 candidate bragging during the 2008 race that Marion Barry himself, "encouraged him [candidate] to run." I remember thinking at the time, "Duh!"
I guess it is true what they say, "Common sense isn't really so common."
I say this with all due respect, Ward 8 would be in a much better position if 99% of the folks running for office and thinking about running just wouldn't. It takes much more than passion or a bumper sticker to win this thing and to do this job. I am overwelmed by how underwelmed I have been of the candidates as of late. I don't mean any harm, there is a reason I am not running. It takes a special type of person to deal with the issues facing Ward 8 today. We can't afford any half-steppers.
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I've said it before and I will say it again, "The next Ward 8 Council Member is someone we haven't even seen yet."
1) They wouldn't wanted to be associated with these shenanigans.
2) They would have the sense not to crowd the field.
3) They wouldn't talk about themselves in the 3rd person. :)
That being said, it is looking pretty darn good for a Barry repeat and for that I have to give our Ward 8 Council Member some major props. He knows exactly what he is doing and he knows exactly what his challengers are not prepared to do - step down for a better candidate.
Barry is not the only one ego tripping.
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