Last year, one of WABA’s most popular and influential outreach activities was our East of the River Mobile Bike Shop series. In the spring and summer of 2011, we partnered with DC bike co-op The Bike House to repair bikes in parts of the District where residents lack easy access to a local bike shop.In 2012, we plan to host a mobile bike shop each month throughout the Spring and Summer, and we need the help, hard work, and talent of local mechanics willing to provide technical support for cyclists in need. WABA seeks interested organizations and individuals with the mechanical expertise to replace cables, patch tubes, replace brake pads, and provide general repair services at these outdoor community gatherings.If you are an organization interested in taking on this year’s mobile bike shop series, please review the following RFP and submit a brief proposal by April 6th. And if you are a mechanically-inclined individual interested in volunteering, send us an email with your skills and availability.Mobile Bike Shop RFPAnd we wish all the best to our friends and 2011 partners from The Bike House as they focus their mechanical skills on serving Petworth and Bloomingdale cyclists at Annie’s Ace Hardware at 1240 Upshur Street, NW and at the Bloomingdale Farmer’s Market at 1st & R Streets, NW. For more information on their work
WABA | Seeking 2012 Mobile Bike Shop Partners
From our friends at the Washington Area Bicyclist Association:March 22nd, 2012 |
Author: Shane Farthing
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