Get to know THEARC!
FYI - It's "THEARC" not "The ARC" or "thearc." Tiny little pet peeve of mine. :)
Either way THEARC is amazing. Check it out!
Officially opened in October 2005, The Town Hall Education Arts Recreation Campus (THEARC) is a $27 million, 110,000 square-foot campus located east of the Anacostia River in Washington, DC’s Ward 8. THEARC was built and is operated by Building Bridges Across the River (BBAR) a nonprofit 501-c-3 organization. Funding for building THEARC ($27 million) came entirely from charitable contributions by the Federal and District government, corporations, foundations and individuals. THEARC is a key part of a revitalization of the area known as East of the (Anacostia) River in Washington, DC.
Either way THEARC is amazing. Check it out!
Town Hall Education Arts Recreation Campus (THEARC)
THEARC is a home away from home for the many underserved children and adults of East of the River, enabling them to participate in dance classes, music instruction, fine arts, academics, continuing education, mentoring, tutoring, recreation, medical and dental care, and other services at a substantially reduced cost or no cost at all.
In addition to THEARC Theater, a 365-seat community theater that is the only theater of any kind located east of the Anacostia River in Washington, DC-THEARC includes a regulation size gymnasium, libraries, computer labs, classrooms, dance, music and visual arts studios, an art gallery, public playgrounds and gardens and other first-rate facilities.
Since its official opening in October 2005, THEARC has already served thousands of residents of the surrounding Southeast DC Community. THEARC Theater is steadily booked.
THEARC brings together an array of comprehensive programs and services from eleven partner agencies, all of whom embrace the lives of children and adults living east of the Anacostia River in Washington, DC.
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