A special message from Natalie Williams this Mother's Day
Know the Facts! Get Tested!

Click Here to Read My Story of Survival
As you can imagine, its been a long year for me. Loss all of my hair. Loss some weight. Loss some friends. But I didn't lose my faith. I thank GOD for his continued love and protection over me, and for such a beautiful journey during such a difficult time. Know the Facts! Get Tested!

Click Here to Read My Story of Survival
I would like to invite you all to join me tomorrow for the Susan G. Komen Walk. As many of you know, its been almost a year since I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and underwent a double mastectomy, chemotherapy, and currently undergoing radiation.
The May edition of the East of the River Magazine has captured my journey. Please consider it nothing more than a story of inspiration on this Mother's Day weekend, and more importantly, a reminder to all women to get tested.
You should know that 1 in 8 women in the United States will develop breast cancer in her lifetime, but African American and Latino women are dying in disproportionate numbers due to the barriers we face while fighting the disease -- and due to late detection of the disease. Don't be a statistic. Schedule your mammogram today!!!
Today, I attribute my remarkable health to first, my GOD! And secondly, I have become more aware of the risk factors of cancer. I am working every single day to have an improved, healthier mind, body, and spirit. Today, I stand committed to raising the awareness among women of color about how early detection and a healthier lifestyle saves lives. Let's do it together! One Breast, One Test at a time!!!
On this Mother's Day weekend -- I thank my mom for truly being my lifesaver. Had it not been for your persistence about getting my first mammogram who knows where I would be today. Thank you for being you!!!!!
On this Mother's Day weekend -- I thank my mom for truly being my lifesaver. Had it not been for your persistence about getting my first mammogram who knows where I would be today. Thank you for being you!!!!!
Happy Mother's Day
Love, Natalie
P.S. For those interested in walking, we will be meeting at Federal Triangle Metro Station tomorrow morning at 7:30am. If you are coming from Ward 8, please join me at Anacostia Station at 6:45am. Looking forward to a morning full of life, love, and laughter. Be blessed.
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