? of the Day: "What Ward 8 issues would you like to see addressed?"

There is a lot going on in Ward 8, some good, some bad, and some things are just not talked about. I try my best to present a diverse perspective of topics on CHotR but lets be honest, I'm just one person.  I spend the majority of my time these days primarily in two Ward 8 neighborhoods.

So I wanted to ask you the readers, "What Ward 8 issues would you like to see addressed?" What should we be talking about? What is something that is having a positive or negative impact on our community? What should we be doing about it?  I strongly encourage as many people as possible to contribute to this discussion. I think out of honest dialogue comes great ideas.

I am trying out the Branch application for this project. I am embedding the discussion below so you can keep track of the conversation. I will be monitoring the discussion as well and will be giving my feedback as it develops (hoping it will anyway).

Looking forward to reading your comments. Don't be shy!!! :)

Go HERE for an invitation to the discussion.
The application is free and you can sign in with a Twitter handle.

Have a great day!

To submit an article or to inquire about advertising send an email to Advoc8te@congressheightsontherise.com