🐰ADOPT ME! Kazoo the bunny

***Bunnies benefit from the companionship of each other!
***Adopt one and HRA will waive the adoption fee for the second!

Kazoo is just a fluffy, soft darling bunny. His wee ears are just precious as is his twinkly little nose. He is about a year old, and he needs nutritious meals to help him grow. Kazoo was found as a stray, and he had a sore eye. He has healed up nicely and is now very ready for a loving home and get good, healthy meals. He loves to explore as he has a curious nature. Kazoo likes a lot of space to move around, and he would probably like to have a bunny friend too to romp around with. Like all bunnies, Kazoo needs a large space to move about and of course get fresh food, water, veggies and hay daily. Rabbits also enjoy fresh fruits and veggies, such as blueberries, arugula, basil, cilantro, endives, carrots and carrot tops, apples, and most dark leafy vegetables. Rabbits can live to up to 10-12 years and often thrive with the company of another bunny. Bunnies also need proper wood toys so that they can keep their teeth in good shape. These neat pets do have unique housing, dietary and set-up needs to have a long and healthy life!

Check out Kazoo's video!