For Eva


The Advoc8te writes this post from down South, North Carolina to be exact. This long overdue road trip with my family was to see my beloved grandmother, Eva. She of the fabulous fashions and independent spirit. Grandma always impressed upon me three things in our time together:

  • If you really love a shirt/dress/shoes you will have it in every color.

  • You never leave the house without full hair and makeup.

  • The best kind of women is an independent woman.

Eva was and is bomb. She was the original, “Though she be but little, she is fierce.”

From raising a family to working on the Ford assembly line — on the night shift — to keeping her manicure fresh, Eva was magic in it’s most feminine and fierce form.

So while age and time may have robbed her of some of her most fierce attributes it will never rob me of my memories so I write this post from a hotel in Concord and I remember, and I smile and I love.

And for all of us who have lost (or are losing) someone to time, may our memories make us smile forever.