June 25 - Aug 3 | Free Cabel Foundation Financial Literacy Program for kids @ Martha's Table
Martha's Table is at The Commons, 2375 Elvans Rd
Martha's Table has moved to Ward 8 to The Commons and to celebrate, they are hosting a summer full of free activities and events for kids, teens, adults, seniors and families! There are over 50 FREE events being hosted this summer. You can find the full list of programs at www.marthastable.org/summer2018.
See below for a great (and free!) program for kids ages 7 - 10 to teach them the importance of being good savers and spenders! Classes are held at 10am, see link below for dates and to register.
CABEL's Financial Literacy Summer Program teaches saving and investing for students ages 7-10. Students will gain knowledge about the history of money and how money works. This is a six-week program (June 25th - August 3rd) and programming is held Monday through Friday, from 12-2pm.
Space limited.