MYSTERY SOLVED! The source of yesterday’s spontaneous pity party that kept me from blogging


Let this be a lesson to everyone, read the Important Information on the pill bottle before taking a new medication! Yesterday was the first time I took one of my medications during the day, and a short time later, I was doing a Facebook Live of a semi-glamourous pity party complete with tears, a turban, sunglasses, and a vintage fur. I was a pitiful hot mess for hours. It was so out of character for me, and it had me freaked out (between fits of spontaneous crying).

The backstory is that I started this new medication last week but I had to take it before bedtime for 5 nights. This week I’m supposed to take it twice a day and next week three times a day. I’m not sure how I’m going to pull this off but until I figure it out I’m going to do the blog before I take my meds and spare us all a repeat of yesterday's tomfoolery. 😂