A note about the next few weeks on Congress Heights on the Rise
12/24/20 UPDATE: Thank you for all the well wishes, checkins and offers of help! YOU GUYS ARE SO SWEET!!! 😍 I couldn’t ask for more.
Here’s a picture from yesterday, of course I had to go into the operating room representing Southeast Love! The receptionists were from EOTR and got a kick out of my mask. 😂
The surgery went well, just one “how did I do that” surprise so it may take a little longer before I’m back 100% but overall I’m doing pretty well - this nerve block is THE TRUTH!
That’s all for now, Happy Holidays! 😘
AKA The Advoc8te
Not my shoulder but you get the idea.
December 22, 2020
I have a little bit of housekeeping news for my readers out there. You may recall that time earlier this year when the blog went silent for a few days. At the time, we thought there was something wrong with my neck that was affecting my dominant arm, but it turned out the real culprit was my shoulder joint. So after months of physical therapy, steroid shots, and a mountain of ice packs, it was time to face facts — my shoulder (and, by extension, my dominant arm) was getting worse. And thus, it was time for my 5th surgery in two years! 😳
So I wanted to let you know that I’m having shoulder surgery on Wednesday. As we are in a pandemic, and I want to keep my family and friends safe, I will be going through the recovery process with just my dog, Teddy. Still, I’m feeling pretty good that I can do this, even if I foresee a lot of pain-medication related tomfoolery in the weeks to come. After this procedure, I promise that I will fully commit to sitting in my ergonomic chair at my ergonomic desk while using my ergonomic mouse because these repetitive stress injuries are not a game.
So while having surgery during a pandemic was NOT on my 2020 bingo card, I’m going to roll with it and hope for the best. And as the world’s worst patient (who never fully commits to her recovery plan), I know that taking time off is going to be hard. That said, the goal is to preload enough content on CHotR so that you will get your daily dose of events, news, and resources, even if it may be fewer posts per day than usual. I hope the disruption to this website and the CHotR Daily Digest is minimal but regardless, I should be back in the game in a few weeks and better than ever. Your girl wants to celebrate her 44th birthday on January 3rd with a virtual dance-off! 😂
I just wanted to give everyone a heads up if you notice some pauses in the frequency or type of content published on CHotR over the next two weeks. I will be checking emails and social media when I can, so if something comes up (like requests for advertising or breaking news like Trump is in jail), please send them over, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Well, that’s pretty much it, and have a great day and an even better holiday!
The Advco8te